Groundwater Resources and the Coastal Lagoons in Southern Brazil

Milani, I.C.B. ; Suzuki, L.E.A.S. ; COLLARES, G. L. ; TAVARES, V. E. Q. ; NIENCHESKI, L.F.H ; ATTISANO, K.K. ; MILANI,M.R. ; ANDRADE, C.F.F. . Groundwater Resources and the Coastal Lagoons in Southern Brazil. In: BILIBIO, Carolina, HENSEL, Oliver, SELBACH, Jeferson. (Org.). Sustainable water management in the tropics and subtropics - and case studies in Brazil. 1ed.Brasil-Alemanha: Unipampa/Unikassel/PGcult-UFMA, 2011, v. 1, p. 150-160.