Engineering Properties of Fibrous Paper Mill Sludge from Southern Brazil
Closure to “Behavior of Compacted Soil-Fly Ash-Carbide Lime Mixtures” by Nilo Cesar Consoli, Pedro Domingos Marques Prietto, João Anto?nio Harb Carraro, and Karla Salvagni Heineck
Effect of Microreinforcement of Soils from Very Small to Large Shear Strains
Discussion of “Geotechnical Properties of Fly and Bottom Ash Mixtures for Use in Highway Embankments” by Bumjoo Kim, Monica Prezzi, and Rodrigo Salgado
Shear Strength Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Sand Considering Triaxial Tests under Distinct Stress Paths
Key Parameters for Strength Control of Artificially Cemented Soils
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Geotech Geol Eng
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Nilo César Consoli
João Anto?nio Harb Carraro
Matthew Richard Coop
Pedro Domingos Marques Prietto
Francisco Dalla Rosa
Jamie VanGulck