The Role of Representations in Engineering Practices: Taking a Turn towards Inscriptions
Framework for improving engineering representational literacy by using pen-based computing
Demo or Die: Narrative Construction As Articulation Work for Promoting Early Stage Digital Innovations
Uncovering Trajectories of Informal Learning in Large Online Communities of Creators
Agency in Assistive Technology Adoption
Seemore: An interactive kinetic sculpture designed to teach parallel computational thinking
Proceedings of the Second (2015) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale - L@S ’15
J. Eng. Educ.
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’17
Matt Revelle
Seungwon Yang
Sile O’Modhrain
Barbara M. Olds
Wolff-Michael Roth
Lohani V. K.
How “Wide Walls” Can Increase Engagement
Participatory design of DIY digital assistive technology in Western Kenya
The Enactive equation: Exploring How Multiple External Representations are Integrated, Using a Fully Controllable Interface and Eye-Tracking
Ensino de Programação Paralela na Educação Básica: Uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura, Análise Bibliométrica e Agenda para Estudos Futuros