Spoken Web: Using Voice As an Accessibility Tool for Disadvantaged People in Developing Regions
A comparative study of secure device pairing methods
The world wide telecom web browser
The spoken web
WWTW: The World Wide Telecom Web
Proceeding of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web - WWW ’08
Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Networked systems for developing regions - NSDR ’07
Proceedings of the 2010 International Cross Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4A) - W4A ’10
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web - WWW ’10
Pervasive and Mobile Computing
ACM SIGWEB Newsletter
Nitendra Rajput
Sheetal K. Agarwal
Amit Anil Nanavati
Sheetal Agarwal
Dipanjan Chakraborty
Amit A. Nanavati
RhythmLink: Securely Pairing I/O-constrained Devices by Tapping
Query by Babbling: A Research Agenda
The Spoken Web: A Web for the Underprivileged
VillageCell: Cost Effective Cellular Connectivity in Rural Areas
An Alternative Information Web for Visually Impaired Users in Developing Countries