The Semantic Web Revisited.
Semantic Web Techniques to Support Interoperability in Distributed Networked Environments
A Framework for Web Science
Web science
Designing for Citizen Data Analysis
Communications of the ACM
Foundations and Trends® in Web Science
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’15
Wendy Hall
Tim Berners-Lee
James Hendler
Robert Simpson
Max Van Kleek
James A. Hendler
Mixing Methods and Theory to Explore Web Activity
Modelos e Ferramentas para a Construção de Sistemas Educacionais Adaptativos e Semânticos
Co-designing technologies for citizen scientist engagement & saving species
Um Mecanismo para a Descoberta Automática de Ambientes Educacionais
An Ontology for the OBAA Metadata Standard