A Framework to Generate Synthetic Multi-label Datasets
Lazy Multi-label Learning Algorithms Based on Mutuality Strategies
A Comparison of Multi-label Feature Selection Methods using the Problem Transformation Approach
A framework for multi-label exploratory data analysis: ML-EDA
ReliefF for Multi-label Feature Selection
On the estimation of the number of fuzzy sets for fuzzy rule-based classification systems
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
2011 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS)
2014 XL Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI)
J Intell Robot Syst
2013 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems
Maria Carolina Monard
Newton Spolaôr
Huei Diana Lee
Heloisa de Arruda Camargo
Victor Augusto Moraes Carvalho
Jorge Valverde-Rebaza