On signifying the complexity of inter-agent relations in agentsheets games and simulations
My Program, My World: Insights from 1st -Person Reflective Programming in EUD Education
Metacommunication and semiotic engineering: Insights from a study with mediated HCI
Using Mediated Communication to Teach Vocational Concepts to Deaf Users
Going back and forth in metacommunication threads
The representation of self in mediated interaction with computers
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Procedia Computer Science
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing
Proceedings of the 31st ACM international conference on Design of communication - SIGDOC ’13
Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza
Marcelle Pereira Mota
Aline da Silva Alves
Eduardo Tiomno Tolmasquim
Juliana Soares Jansen Ferreira