An architecture for secure positioning in a UAV swarm using RSSI-based distance estimation
A Session-Based Mobile Socket Layer for Disruption Tolerance on the Internet
Secure positioning in a UAV swarm using on-board stereo cameras
Secure Connection Re-establishment for Session-Based IP Mobility
Prototyping applications to handle connection disruptions in end-to-end host Mobility
Exploring user’s habits and virtual communities to improve IP-connectivity management
2009 International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops
2010 Seventh International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS)
Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC ’14
2012 Second Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems
SIGAPP Appl. Comput. Rev.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
Edson dos Santos Moreira
Roberto Sadao Yokoyama
Helio Crestana Guardia
Roberto Rigolin Ferreira Lopes
Pravin Pawar
Bert-Jan van Beijnum