ACM - affordances
Bonnie A. Nardi
Steve Whittaker
Erin Bradner
Proceedings of the 2000 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work - CSCW ’00
Joint Work in Intensional Networks
A Web on the Wind: The Structure of Invisible Work
Video-as-data: Technical and social aspects of a collaborative multimedia application
Experiences in the use of a media space
social and technological foundations of cooperative work, L
Finding a happy medium: explaining the negative effects of electronic communication on social life at work
Staccato Social Support in Mobile Health Applications
The language of privacy
Why Do Users Communicate via Such or Such Media?: Some Insights from Users’ Daily Experiences
Social affordances of computer-mediated communication technology
What’s It Worth to You?: The Costs and Affordances of CMC Tools to Asian and American Users
ConNexus to awarenex