A polynomial-time algorithm for breaking the basic Merkle - Hellman cryptosystem
Generating comics from 3D interactive computer graphics
Fully parallelized multi prover protocols for NEXP-time
A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems
Can Children Understand Machine Learning Concepts?: The Effect of Uncovering Black Boxes
[1991] Proceedings 32nd Annual Symposium of Foundations of Computer Science
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Communications of the ACM
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
T. Hitron
D. Lapidot
T. Levinboim
O. Zuckerman
M. Rubinstein
L. Adleman
Expanding the Comics Canvas: GPS Comics
(Gap/S)ETH hardness of SVP
Two prover protocols
Análise do desempenho de aprendizagem de Machine Learning na Educação Básica aplicando a Teoria de Resposta ao Item
Beacon Certificate Push Revocation