Virtual reality interactions using inexpensive webcams.
3D Live: Real Time Captured Content for Mixed Reality.
Depth Image Based Cloth Deformation for Virtual Try-on
Aligning a 3D headless avatar with a user’s 2D face images in real-time
A mobile pet wearable computer and mixed reality system for human–poultry interaction through the internet
Human Pacman: a mobile, wide-area entertainment system based on physical, social, and ubiquitous computing
SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Posters on - SA ’12
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Adrian David Cheok
Mark Billinghurst
Hirokazu Kato
Ishtiaq Rasool Khan
Miaolong Yuan
Yu Li
Canine Computer Interaction: Towards Designing a Touchscreen Interface for Working Dogs
Design of a Self-standing Multimedia Enriched Projector to enhance teaching experience in classroom in Brazilian public schools
Accessible Play in Everyday Spaces: Mixed Reality Gaming for Adult Powered Chair Users
Going to the Dogs: Towards an Interactive Touchscreen Interface for Working Dogs
The Choreography of Conceptual Development in Computer Supported Instructional Environments