Data Clustering based on Optimum-Path Forest and Probability Density Function

The identification of natural groups in a dataset is reduced to an \emph{optimum-path forest} problem in a graph. We define a graph whose nodes are data samples and whose arcs connect \emph{adjacent} samples in a feature space. The nodes are weighted by their probability density values and different choices of a \emph{path-value function} lead to effective solutions for data clustering. The method identifies a root node for each cluster and finds the samples which are ``more strongly connected'' to each root than to any other. The output is an optimum-path forest whose trees (clusters) are the influence zones of their roots. This framework extends the image foresting transform from the image domain to the feature space, revealing important theoretical relations among relative fuzzy-connected segmentation, morphological reconstructions, watershed transforms, and clustering by influence zones. It also provides a more general and robust implementation for the popular mean-shift algorithm. The results are illustrated in image segmentation.