FrameIDTV: A framework for developing interactive applications on digital television environments
Templates for textual use cases of software product lines: results from a systematic mapping study and a controlled experiment
Mobile Photo Recommendation and Logbook Generation Using Context-Tagged Images
RETENTION: A reactive trust-based mechanism to detect and punish malicious nodes in ad hoc grid environments
MobiLine: A Nested Software Product Line for the domain of mobile and context-aware applications.
P2PScheMe: a P2P scheduling mechanism for workflows in grid computing
2011 Fifth Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse
Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development
Science of Computer Programming
Journal of Network and Computer Applications
2014 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems
Rossana Andrade
Windson Viana
Lincoln S. Rocha
Marcio E.F. Maia
Rossana M. C. Andrade
Bruno Schulze
A Utilização de Dispositivos Móveis com Ambientes Tridimensionais como Ferramenta para Favorecer o Ensino de Hardware
Da Elicitação de Requisitos ao Desenvolvimento de Aplicações de Mobile Learning em Matemática