Causing Commotion with a Shape-changing Bench: Experiencing Shape-changing Interfaces in Use
Encounters on a shape-changing bench
Experimental Engineering
Accounting for Medication Particularities: Designing for Everyday Medication Management
Self-Care Technologies in HCI
“It’s alive, it’s magic, it’s in love with you”
Cognition, Technology & Work
Proceedings of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’14
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems - DIS ’17 Companion
Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference on Full papers - PDC ’16
Proceedings of the 15th Participatory Design Conference on Full Papers - PDC ’18
Proceedings of the ICTs for improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques
Marianne Graves Petersen
Sofie Kinch
Nervo Verdezoto
Morten Kyng
Majken Kirkegaard Rasmussen
Majken K. Rasmussen
The Making of Performativity in Designing [with] Smart Material Composites
Affordance++: Allowing Objects to Communicate Dynamic Use
Teaching participatory design using live projects
Understanding Affordance, System State, and Feedback in Shape-Changing Buttons
Outlining the design space of playful interactions between nearby strangers
Understanding the Mundane Nature of Self-care