Towards a social-based process for information system development: a case study
Guiding the Process of Requirements Elicitation with a Semiotic Approach
Guiding the Process of Requirements Elicitation with a Semiotic-based Approach – A Case Study
Organisational Semiotics: Guiding a Service-Oriented Architecture for e-Government
Autonomia do Usuário no Cenário de Mudança Contínua em Organizações
Bringing Social Constructs to the Information Systems Development Process: Contributions of Organizational Semiotics
IC Technical Reports 2003
Universal Access in the Information Society
Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas
Rodrigo Bonacin
Juliano Schimiguel
Amanda Meincke Melo
Claudia Bauzer Medeiros
SAwD - Socially Aware Design: an Organizational Semiotics-based CASE Tool to Support Early Design Activities
Creating an iDTV Application from Inside a TV Company: A Situated and Participatory Approach
Laptops Educacionais em Escolas Públicas: Primeiros Resultados de uma Abordagem Socio-técnica
Design of Therapeutic Information Systems as Indicating through Signs
Clarifying the Situational Context of a TV Company towards the Design of iDTV Applications