The mirror neuron system
Activation of human primary motor cortex during action observation: A neuromagnetic study
Premotor cortex and the recognition of motor actions
Movement for perception: A motor-visual attentional effect
The space around us
Parietal cortex: From sight to action
L. Fadiga.
V. Gallese
L. Fogassi
L. Craighero
R. Hari
H. Sakatam
Enactive media - generalizing from enactive cinema
Grasping virtual objects: A feasibility study for an enactive interface application in stroke
Acting Together
Enactive Systems and Enactive Media: Embodied Human-Machine Coupling beyond Interfaces
A Survey of Artificial Cognitive Systems: Implications for the Autonomous Development of Mental Capabilities in Computational Agents
Investigating extended embodiment using a computational model and human experimentation