On lines, joints, and incidences in three dimensions
Incidences in three dimensions and distinct distances in the plane
Simple Proofs of Classical Theorems in Discrete Geometry via the Guth–Katz Polynomial Partitioning Technique
On Lines and Joints
Efficient algorithms for geometric optimization
Proceedings of the 2010 annual symposium on Computational geometry - SoCG ’10
Proceedings of the twelfth annual symposium on Computational geometry - SCG ’96
Discrete & Computational Geometry
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
SIAM Journal on Computing
ACM Computing Surveys
Haim Kaplan
György Elekes
Pankaj K. Agarwal
Alon Efrat
Ji?i Matoušek
Eugenii Shustin
Computing the Distance between Piecewise-Linear Bivariate Functions
Voronoi diagrams based on convex distance functions
Approximation algorithms for the mobile piercing set problem with applications to clustering in ad-hoc networks
A near-linear time ?-approximation algorithm for geometric bipartite matching