Physics-based Gaming: Exploring Touch vs. Mid-air Gesture Input
Rapid assessment of game experiences in public settings
Child-centered game development (CCGD): developing games with children at school
Connecting TV & PC
Game idea jam for sport and exertion games
Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual symposium on Computer-human interaction in play - CHI PLAY ’14
Proceedings of the seventh european conference on European interactive television conference - EuroITV ’09
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fun and Games - FnG ’12
Manfred Tscheligi
Verena Fuchsberger
Mark Magnusson
Teresa Holocher
Damien Alliez
Marianna Obrist
Challenges of using Personal Data to Drive Personalised Electronic Programme Guides
Accessible Play in Everyday Spaces: Mixed Reality Gaming for Adult Powered Chair Users