Perceptual interactions in a minimalist virtual environment
There is Something Out There: Distal Attribution in Sensory Substitution, Twenty Years Later
Learning to Perceive with a Visuo-Auditory Substitution System: Localisation and Object Recognition with ‘The vOICe’,
Perception with Compensatory Devices: From Sensory Substitution to Sensorimotor Extension
The Perception of Space and form Recognition in a Simulated Environment: The Case of Minimalist Sensory-substitution Devices
The Multisensory Perception of Flavor
J. K. O'Regan
S. Hanneton
C. Spence
C. Lenay
J.R. Stewart
D. Philipona
The enactive torch: A new tool for the science of perception
You and I, robot
Enaction-based artificial intelligence: Toward co-evolution with humans in the loop