Long-term SLOs for reclaimed cloud computing resources
Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg
Minerva: An automated resource provisioning tool for large-scale storage systems
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing - SOCC ’14
Proceedings of the 11th workshop on ACM SIGOPS European workshop: beyond the PC - EW11
Proceedings of the 8th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems - EuroSys ’13
Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Computer Systems - EuroSys ’15
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
Francisco Vilar Brasileiro
Abhishek Verma
Marcus Williams Aquino de Carvalho
Walfredo Cirne
Alistair Veitch
Arif Merchant
ACIC: Automatic Cloud I/O Configurator for HPC Applications
TetriSched: Global Rescheduling with Adaptive Plan-ahead in Dynamic Heterogeneous Clusters