On the role of emotion in embodied cognitive architectures: From organisms to robots
The role of reinforcement in affective computation
The feeling of action tendencies: on the emotional regulation of goaldirected behavior
Microbial fuel cell driven behavioral dynamics in robot simulations
Grounding motivation in energy autonomy: a study of artificial metabolism constrained robot dynamics
From the virtual to the robotic: bringing emoting and appraising agents into reality
Cognitive Computation
Artificial Intelligence
Artif. Intell.
Robert Lowe
N. E. Sharkey
A. Montebelli
J. Greenman
I. Ieropoulos
C. Melhuish
Zombie Mouse in a Chinese Room
Philosophical foundations of AI
An Enactive Approach to Facilitate Interactive Machine Learning for Co-Creative Agents
From Cybernetics to Second-Order Cybernetics: A Comparative Analysis of Their Central Ideas
A Survey of Artificial Cognitive Systems: Implications for the Autonomous Development of Mental Capabilities in Computational Agents