Question answering passage retrieval using dependency relations
Robust Multiview Feature Learning for RGB-D Image Understanding
Fast Matrix Factorization for Online Recommendation with Implicit Feedback
Interactive Video Indexing With Statistical Active Learning
Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval - SIGIR ’16
Proceeding of the ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval - CIVR ’09
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
Min-Yen Kan
Yantao Zheng
Richang Hong
Meng Wang
Jinhui Tang
Zheng-Jun Zha
Efficient lp-norm multiple feature metric learning for image categorization
Um QAsystem para Interação de Alunos em Avaliações Somativas a Distância
Robust Asymmetric Recommendation via Min-Max Optimization
Robust cross-media transfer for visual event detection