Employing MEASUR Methods for Business Process Reengineering in China, PhD Thesis University of Twente, Ensgede, the Netherlands (2001)
Information Integration of CPFR in Inbound Logistics of Automotive Manufactures Based on Internet of Things
Automatic inspection system of LED chip using two-stages back-propagation neural network
Wu H.C
Hsu C.T.M.Z.
Kuo C.F.J.
Sun Y
A Study of Complication Identification Based on Weighted Association Rule Mining
Creating an iDTV Application from Inside a TV Company: A Situated and Participatory Approach
A Combining Forecasting Modeling and Its Application
Designing Natural User Interfaces Scenarios for All and for Some: An Analysis Informed by Organizational Semiotics Artifacts
Clarifying the Situational Context of a TV Company towards the Design of iDTV Applications