Smartphone Rigging with GUI Control Emulation for Freeware Rapid Prototyping of Mixed Virtuality Scenes
Unstructured lumigraph rendering
Integration of laptop sudden motion sensor as accelerometric control for virtual environments
Panoramic video textures
Multimodal Machinema at the University of Aizu
Metering “black holes”: networking stand-alone applications for distributed multimodal synchronization
SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications on - SA ’13
ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Papers on - SIGGRAPH ’04
ACM Transactions on Graphics
SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev.
ACM Trans. Graph.
Rasika Ranaweera
Tomohiro Oyama
Brian Curless
Hayato Ito
Sascha Holesch
Bektur Ryskeldiev
Image melding
An Efficient Algorithm for Depth Image Rendering
Multimodal Mobile-ambient Transmedial Twirling with Environmental Lighting to Complement Fluid Perspective with Phase-perturbed Affordance Projection
Navigable Videos for Presenting Scientific Data on Affordable Head-Mounted Displays
"Twin Spin": Steering Karaoke (or Anything else) with Smartphone Wands Deployable As Spinnable Affordances
Techniques for low cost spatial audio