Towards a more cherishable digital object
Hybrid crafting: towards an integrated practice of crafting with physical and digital components
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’16
Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference on - DIS ’12
David Frohlich
Abigail Sellen
Elise van den Hoven
Licia Capra
Nicolai Marquardt
Rose Johnson
Making Physical and Digital Games with e-Textiles: A Workshop for Youth Making Responsive Wearable Games and Controllers
Exploring Material Representations of Physical Activity
Paper Books, Digital Books: How the Medium of an Object Affects Its Use
Displaying Invisible Objects
Exploring the design space of glanceable feedback for physical activity trackers
Supporting a Sense of Connectedness: Meaningful Things in the Lives of New University Students