Exploiting collective knowledge with three-way decision theory: Cases from the questionnaire-based research
A User Study to Assess the Situated Social Value of Open Data
Conceptual Schemas as a Means to Compare and Measure Open Data Social Value
A Map is worth a Thousand Data: Requirements in Tertiary Human-Data Interaction to Foster Participation.
MANENT: An infrastructure for integrating, structuring and searching digital libraries
Valuable Visualization of Healthcare Information: from the quantied self data to conversations
Federico Cabitza
Batini C
Marcasdi V
Grignani D
F. Del Zotti
Actis-Grosso R.
Probing Interactivity in Open Data for General Practice. An Evidence-Based Approach.
Actively Learning to Rank Semantic Associations for Personalized Contextual Exploration of Knowledge Graphs
Static and interactive infographics in daily tasks: A value-in-use and quality of interaction user study