A Corpus Analysis Approach for Automatic Query Expansion and Its Extension to Multiple Databases.
A Methodology and Architecture Embedding Quality Assessment in Data Integration
A Unified Method for Multiple Home Appliances Control through Static Finger Gestures
A magneto-inductive sensor based wireless tongue-computer interface
Sentence recognition from articulatory movements for silent speech interfaces
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst.
Rachakonda SM
Gauch S
Huang, T.
Zhou, Y.
Yamagishi, K.
Jing, L.
A Survey of Automatic Query Expansion in Information Retrieval.
A Semiotic Approach to Investigate Quality Issues of Open Big Data Ecosystems
Gesture-Based Interaction in Domotic Environments: State of the Art and HCI Framework Inspired by the Diversity
Semi-automatic mapping of geological Structures using UAV-based photogrammetric data: An image analysis approach
Actively Learning to Rank Semantic Associations for Personalized Contextual Exploration of Knowledge Graphs
Interpreting data from within: supporting humandata interaction in museum exhibits through perspective taking