B$^+$-tree Based Approach to Index Transaction Time
Transaction time of a record is the time interval when the record is stored in the database. In this paper we present an approach which provides efficient indexing of such kind of temporal data. The approach makes use of two standard B${}^+$-trees with trivially modified node split policies---which yield a usage ratio of virtually 100{\%} in each tree. We compare the proposed approach, which we name Two-Stage, to the Monotonic B${}^+$-tree (by Elmasri et al). Our simulations show that the Two-Stage approach yields a structure up to 75{\%} smaller than the Monotonic B${}^+$-tree, and in all but one of the several investigated scenarios, the Two-Stage approach provided faster (or comparable) query processing time. Our main contribution, however, lies in the fact that the Two-Stage Approach does not require novel data structures but well-known B${}^+$-trees. As such, and unlike all previous techniques for tackling this problem, it can be implemented using facilitites existing on most commercial DBMSs.