Uma Abordagem Baseada em Especificação para Testes de Web Services RESTFUL
Analyzing the Incremental Funding Method and its Software Project Scheduling Algorithms
Analysing IT Investments in the Public Sector: A Project Portfolio Approach
Maximizing the Appropriation of the Intangible Benefits Yelded by IT Investments in the Public Sector
A Statistical Approach for the Maximization of the Financial Benefits Yielded by a Large Set of MMFs and AEs
Maximizing the Appropriation of the Intangible Benefits Yielded by IT Investments in the Public Sector
Journal of Software
Eber Assis Schmitz
Antonio Juarez Sylvio Menezes de Alencar
Rigel Procópio Fernandes
Ivan Maia Vital Jr.
Jorge V. Doria Jr.