Ambientes virtuais no ensino superior de química: uso, aceitação e possibilidades de aprendizagem em uma disciplina de comunicação científica

Currently there are several Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) available on the web to support traditional and distance learning, but still there are a few investigations devoted to study the use and acceptance of such environments by the students. In this work, the VLE named Cursos on-Line (CoL), developed and coordinated by the LARC (Laboratório de Arquitetura e Redes de Computadores do Departamento de Computação e Sistemas Digitais da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo), was adapted to be applied in a scientific communication course offered to freshman students in an undergraduate chemistry course at the University of São Paulo. The VLE included the following elements: content modules with textual descriptions of the concepts discussed in the course, links to the web that provide access to the major electronic databases, online forum, message system, glossary, chat, and a database of homework questions. The use and acceptance of the VLE by the students were investigated based on the concepts of Technology Acceptance Model. The professor responsible for the course, two teaching assistants, and 61 undergraduate chemistry students participated as subjects in the research. All navigation for each subject was recorded and the messages to the online forum were automatically archived by the list host computer. Throughout the study, the messages were analyzed based on a model of qualitative criteria for content analysis on online discussion developed by Henri. Along the semester, the VLE was accessed 989 times and a total of 705 messages were posted to the forum. The VLE expanded communication and teaching opportunities in the course. The findings of the study suggest that the appeal of the user interface, the presence of appropriate search options and the availability of sufficient relevant information are critical factors of the VLE\ s acceptance.