ACM - affordances
Paul M Aoki
R. J. Honicky
Alan Mainwaring
Chris Myers
Eric Paulos
Sushmita Subramanian
Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI 09
A Study of People, Expertise, and Sustainable Development
Science Advisors as Policymakers
MobGeoSen: facilitating personal geosensor data collection and visualization using mobile phones
Leveraging Social Networks To Motivate Individuals to Reduce their Ecological Footprints
A New Framework for Mobilization and Contestation,"Soc
Managing technology use and learning in nonprofit community organizations
Data-in-Place: Thinking Through the Relations Between Data and Community
Ethics, Logs and Videotape: Ethics in Large Scale User Trials and User Generated Content
Sensory Triptych: Here, Near, out There