Assessing the accuracy of georeferenced point clouds produced via multi-views tereopsis from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery
An automated technique for generating georectified mosaics from ultra-high resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery based on Structure from Motion (SfM) point clouds
UnmannedAerialVehicle(UAV)remote sensing forhyperspatialterrainmappingofantarcticmossbedsbasedon StructurefromMotion(SfM)pointclouds
UsinganUnmannedAerial Vehicle (UAV)tocapturemicro-topographyofAntarcticmossbeds
Turner D.
Robinson S.A
Harwin S.
Watson C., 2012
Robinson S.A., 2013
King D.H.
Semi-automatic mapping of geological Structures using UAV-based photogrammetric data: An image analysis approach