Design for Outdoor Mobile Multimedia: representation, content and interactivity for mobile tourist guides

Descri��o: The research reported in this thesis explores issues of information design for mobile devices, in particular those relating to selection and presentation of on-screen information and interactive functionality for users of mobile phones. The example domain is that of mobile tour guides for tourists, local people, students and families. Central to the research is the issue of multimodality, particularly the graphic and interaction design issues involved in viewing video, in combination with other media, on a mobile device, in an outdoor context. The study produced three main results: 1. An analytical framework for user-experience concerns in cultural heritage settings, 2. Design recommendations for outdoor mobile multimedia guides and 3. Refinements in methods for collecting and analysing data from fieldwork with visitors in cultural heritage settings. .
Situa��o: Conclu�do; Natureza: Pesquisa.

Integrantes: Heloisa Caroline de Souza Pereira Candello - Integrante / Pemberton, Lyn - Coordenador / Griffiths, Richard - Integrante.
Financiador(es): Programa Alban - Bolsa.

2008 - 2012