Concepts in Networked Virtual Environments
Multi-party interaction with a virtual character and a human-like robot
Building long-term relationships with virtual and robotic characters: the role of remembering
Fast and accurate GPU-based simulation of virtual garments
Automatic modeling of virtual humans and body clothing
Immersive VR decision training
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology - VRST ’13
Journal of Computer Science and Technology
ACM Transactions on Graphics
Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry - VRCAI ’12
The Visual Computer
Proceedings of the workshop on Virtual environments 2003 - EGVE ’03
Daniel Thalmann
Tolga K Capin
Bart Kevelham
Branislav Ulicny
Hyewon Seo
Frederic Cordier
High Fashion in Equations
Depth Image Based Cloth Deformation for Virtual Try-on
Free Viewpoint Virtual Try-on with Commodity Depth Cameras
Navigable Videos for Presenting Scientific Data on Affordable Head-Mounted Displays
Sistema Gerador de Apoio a um Dicionário Temático Visual-Gestual Baseado em Realidade Virtual