ACM - Normas
David Aveiro
A. Rito Silva
José Tribolet
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC ’10
Basic notions regarding business processes and supporting information systems
An Initial Architecture and Ontology, Handbook of Ontologies for Business Interaction, Information Science Reference, 2007, 101--121
June, Vol
da Reificação do Ser Humano como Componente do Conhecimento à "Consciência de Si" Organizacional {Organizations, People, Processes and Knowledge: from the reification of the human being as components of knowledge to the knowledge of organizational self}, Sistemas de Informação Organizacionais, Lisbon, Portugal, Sílabo Editora, 2005
On handling exceptions
the dynamic emergence of error avoidance and error vicariants, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Vol