Design de componentes educacionais sÃncronos
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning has become a teachinglearning paradigm. It deals with different concepts of learning and group interaction. Synchronous collaborative environments aim at facilitating the construction of knowledge and the development of skills among the participants of a group. Synchronous learning components (also called groupware) can be characterized as providers of a set of shared virtual objects. Those objects can be manipulated through tools and form a shared space for user interaction. The problem on which we are focusing is eliciting, from user interaction, requirements that help to define an architecture of synchronous collaborative components, which would solve problems in communication, collaboration consciousness, maintainability of the shared space, shared space access control, role definition and awareness. This work made use of usability design techniques with the goal of solving problems related to interaction mediated by synchronous learning components, proposing a set of requirements to be applied to the construction of new systems which would favour group interaction through user needs-centered analysis