Ampliando o Potencial Pedagógico da Ferramenta Bipide

Aiming at reducing the abstraction level of concepts about programming logic for students in the first term of undergraduate courses on Computer Science, a processor family based on a simple instruction architecture (named BIP ¿ Basic Instruction-set Processor) was specified and an userfriendly integrated development environment (named Bipide) was developed. The first models of BIP (BIP I, II and III) had some limitations. They did not support procedure calls and input/output operations for user interactions in Bipide IDE. In this context, this work aimed at specifying a new model for this family (named BIB IV), which added new features and increased its scope of use. Modifications were also implemented in Bipide to support use of BIP IV, improving the interaction between the user and the tool, also allowing solving more complex problems. As a result, pedagogical potential of the tool was increased.