Scratch: programming for all.
The Scratch Programming Language and Environment.
Programming by choice: urban youth learning programming with scratch.
Programming by choice
Directness and liveness in the morphic user interface construction environment
ACM Transactions on Computing Education
Proceedings of the 8th annual ACM symposium on User interface and software technology - UIST ’95
Mitchel Resnick
Natalie Rusk
Yasmin B. Kafai
Brian Silverman
Evelyn Eastmond
Randall B. Smith
Early Validation of Computational Thinking Pattern Analysis
Relato de Experiência do Modelo de Formação e Gestão do Projeto UCA
Between a Block and a Typeface
Limitações da Utilização do Alice no Ensino de Programação para Alunos de Graduação
Uma avaliação de acessibilidade no laptop educacional da OLPC na perspectiva de pessoas com dislexia
Applying Data-driven Tool Development to Context-oriented Languages