Energy Efficient Adaptive Approach for Dependable Performance in the presence of Timing Interference
How to solve the current memory access and data transfer bottlenecks
Pareto-optimization-based run-time task scheduling for embedded systems
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/software codesign & system synthesis - CODES+ISSS ’03
Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe - DATE ’00
Proceedings of the on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2017 - GLSVLSI ’17
Nikil D. Dutt
Dimitrios Rodopoulos
Michail Noltsis
Nikolaos Zompakis
Peng Yang
Christoforos E. Kozyrakis
Specific scheduling support to minimize the reconfiguration overhead of dynamically reconfigurable hardware
Memory Technology for Extended Large-scale Integration in Future Electronics Applications