Performance animation from low-dimensional control signals
Automatic joint parameter estimation from magnetic motion capture data
Stable spaces for real-time clothing
Data-driven modeling of skin and muscle deformation
Interactive control of avatars animated with human motion data
Graphical modeling and animation of brittle fracture
Proceedings of the 22nd annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - SIGGRAPH ’95
ACM Transactions on Graphics
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics
Proceedings of the 26th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - SIGGRAPH ’99
Proceedings of the 29th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - SIGGRAPH ’02
James F. O’Brien
Jinxiang Chai
Marc H. Raibert
Sang Il Park
David C. Brogan
Wayne L. Wooten
Rigid-body Fracture Sound with Precomputed Soundbanks
Efficient dynamic skinning with low-rank helper bone controllers
Further experience with controller-based automatic motion synthesis for articulated figures
Rigid-body fracture sound with precomputed soundbanks
Interactive control for physically-based animation
Evaluation of on-line analytic and numeric inverse kinematics approaches driven by partial vision input