Adding Adaptive Features to Virtual Reality Interfaces for E-Commerce.
Guiding visitors of Web3D worlds through automatically generated tours.
3D virtual clothing
Bringing Dynamic Queries to Mobile Devices: A Visual Preference-Based Search Tool for Tourist Decision Support
Navigation in 3D virtual environments: Effects of user experience and location-pointing navigation aids
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Proceeding of the eighth international conference on 3D web technology - Web3D ’03
Roberto Ranon
Stefano Burigat
Luca De Marco
Demis Corvaglia
Lucio Ieronutti
Using Mobile Preference-based Searching to Improve Tourism Decision Support
Free Viewpoint Virtual Try-on with Commodity Depth Cameras
Three-dimensional Virtual Environments Adaptive to the Student's Profile for Distance Learning
Polly Wanna Show You: Examining Viewpoint-Conveyance Techniques for a Shoulder-Worn Telepresence System