SCC: Um Compilador C como Ferramenta de Ensino de Compiladores
Energy Consumption Analysis of the Cryptographic Key Generation Process of RSA and ECC Algorithms in Embedded Systems
TCP-UEM: Detecting Link Failure by Keeping End-to-end Semantics
A coherence analysis module for SciPo: providing suggestions for scientific abstracts written in Portuguese
Ordering Matters: An Experimental Study of Ranking Influence on Results Selection Behavior during Exploratory Search
An analysis of the participation of women in Information and Communication Technology courses at State University of Maringá(UEM)
IEEE Latin America Transactions
J Braz Comput Soc
Luciana Martimiano
Ricardo Theis Geraldi
RA Goncalves
Geazzy Brasilino Marcal Zanoni
Emanuel Felipe Duarte
EHM Cruz
Estudo sobre Evasão nos Cursos de Computação da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Ferramenta de apoio às fases iniciais do ensino de linguagens formais e compiladores