Sociomaterial practices: Exploring technology at work
Improvising Organizational Transformation Over Time: A Situated Change Perspective
Research Commentary—Virtual Worlds: A Performative Perspective on Globally Distributed, Immersive Work
10?Sociomateriality: Challenging the Separation of Technology, Work and Organization
Studying Information Technology in Organizations: Research Approaches and Assumptions
Life in the Trading Zone: Structuring Coordination Across Boundaries in Postbureaucratic Organizations
MIS Quarterly
Organization Science
The Academy of Management Annals
Information Systems Research
Proceedings of the 1992 ACM conference on Computer-supported cooperative work - CSCW ’92
Ulrike Schultze
Stephen R. Barley
JoAnne Yates
Katherine C. Kellogg
Jack J. Baroudi
Susan V. Scott
How Virtual Teams Use Their Virtual Workspace to Coordinate Knowledge
Seeking Serendipity: A Living Lab Approach to Understanding Creative Retrieval in Broadcast Media Production
Sociomateriality and Information Systems Research: Quantum Radicals and Cartesian Conservatives
Reciprocal Habituation: A Study of Older People and the Kinect
Forming and norming social media adoption in the corporate sector
Mobilizing Government: Inter-Organizational Collaboration Using Open Social Media Platforms