Evaluation of hypermedia educational systems: criteria and imperfect measures
Human-Display Interaction Technology: Emerging Remote Interfaces for Pervasive Display Environments
The Immersive Bubble Chart
Exploring Interaction Mechanisms for Map Interfaces in Virtual Reality Environments
Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction - Interacción 2018
The 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Adjunct Proceedings - UIST ’18 Adjunct
IEEE Pervasive Computing
Paloma Diaz
Telmo Zarraonandia
Teresa Onorati
Andrés Santos-Torres
M-A Sicilia
Paloma Daz
Visual and Tactile Engagement: Designing Projected Touch-Surfaces for Community Use in a Rural Context
Estudo Exploratório sobre a Utilização de Algoritmos de Mineração de Dados na Predição e Caracterização da Qualidade de Objetos de Aprendizagem no Repositório MERLOT