Life and death of new technology
Evaluating video as a technology for informal communication
Technology Adaptation: The Case of a Computer-Supported Inter-Organizational Virtual Team
Attribution accuracy when using anonymity in group support systems
Video as a technology for informal communication
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’92
Communications of the ACM
MIS Quarterly
Proceedings of the 1994 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work - CSCW ’94
Robert E. Kraut
Robert S. Fish
Robert W. Root
Ann Majchrzak
Arvind Malhotra
Colleen Cool
How Virtual Teams Use Their Virtual Workspace to Coordinate Knowledge
Not Really There: Understanding Embodied Communication Affordances in Team Perception and Participation
"This is a Throwaway Account": Temporary Technical Identities and Perceptions of Anonymity in a Massive Online Community
Interaction and outeraction
Social presence with video and application sharing
The language of privacy