Dictionary Learning and Tensor Decomposition via the Sum-of-Squares Method
Hypercontractivity, sum-of-squares proofs, and their applications
Analytical approach to parallel repetition
Subexponential Algorithms for Unique Games and Related Problems
Unique games on expanding constraint graphs are easy
Rounding Semidefinite Programming Hierarchies via Global Correlation
2011 IEEE 52nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
Proceedings of the fourtieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing - STOC 08
2012 IEEE 53rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
Proceedings of the 44th symposium on Theory of Computing - STOC ’12
Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual ACM on Symposium on Theory of Computing - STOC ’15
Proceedings of the 46th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing - STOC ’14
Boaz Barak
Prasad Raghavendra
Sanjeev Arora
Nisheeth K. Vishnoi
Madhur Tulsiani
Alexandra Kolla
Bypassing UGC from Some Optimal Geometric Inapproximability Results
Guest column