Resource demand and supply in BitTorrent content-sharing communities
Where are the “key” words? Optimizing multimedia textual attributes to improve viewership
Scalable Resource Annotation in Peer-to-Peer Grids
enabling cross-layer optimizations in storage systems with custom metadata
Individual and social behavior in tagging systems
Reuse, temporal dynamics, interest sharing, and collaboration in social tagging systems
Proceedings of the 17th international symposium on High performance distributed computing - HPDC ’08
First Monday
Computer Networks
2008 Eighth International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing
Proceedings of the 20th ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia - HT ’09
Nazareno Ferreira de Andrade
Matei Ripeanu
Francisco Vilar Brasileiro
Adriana Iamnitchi
David Condon
Jussara Marques de Almeida