People Searched by People
Renegade gaming
User-defined motion gestures for mobile interaction
Effect of Bezel Presence and Width on Visual Search
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems - DIS ’16
Proceedings of The International Symposium on Pervasive Displays - PerDis ’14
Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual CHI conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’08
Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’11
Proceedings of the 26th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference on Designing Futures the Future of Design - OzCHI ’14
Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI ’16
James R. Wallace
Krzysztof Pietroszek
Anastasia Kuzminykh
Michael Terry
Jaime Ruiz
Christine Szentgyorgyi
BragFish: Exploring Physical and Social Interaction in Co-located Handheld Augmented Reality Games
Outlining the design space of playful interactions between nearby strangers
Faceted Search on Coordinated Tablets and Tabletop: A Comparison
Brothers and Sisters at Play: Exploring Game Play with Siblings
Low-Cost Latency Compensation in Motion Tracking for Smartphone-Based Head Mounted Display