Teaching Case-Based Argumentation Concepts Using Dialectic Arguments vs. Didactic Explanations.
Can temporal representation and reasoning make a difference in automated legal reasoning?
Automatically classifying case texts and predicting outcomes
Finding factors
Toward adding knowledge to learning algorithms for indexing legal cases
Improving the representation of legal case texts with information extraction methods
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Artificial intelligence and law - ICAIL ’01
Artificial Intelligence and Law
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law - ICAIL ’09
Proceedings of the workshop on Strategic computing natural language - HLT ’86
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law - ICAIL ’11
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on Artificial intelligence and law - ICAIL ’99
Stefanie Brüninghaus
Bruce M. McLaren
Edwina L. Rissland
John M. Levine
Ravi Desai
Legal documents categorization by compression
Are user-contributed reviews community property?
Providing Law Students with Intelligent Tools for Structuring and Systematizing Alternative Dispute Resolution in Learning Systems