Using Gameplay Semantics to Procedurally Generate Player-matching Game Worlds
Taxi trouble
Designing Semantic Game Worlds
A semantic generation framework for enabling adaptive game worlds
The role of semantics in games and simulations
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE ’11
Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual symposium on Computer-human interaction in play - CHI PLAY ’14
Computers in Entertainment
Proceedings of the The third workshop on Procedural Content Generation in Games - PCG’12
Tim Tutenel
Ricardo Lopes
Ben Kybartas
Fanny Lie
Joost J.E. Oorschot van
Aidan C.A. Mauricio
Let’s Take Photos Together: Exploring Asymmetrical Interaction Abilities on Mobile Camera Phones
Game Character Ontology (GCO) A Vocabulary for Extracting and Describing Game Character Information from Web Content